Tuesday, 2 March 2010

My Introduction

It’s said that there’s nothing tastier then a bit of gossip. And Gossip obviously usually emerges because of controversy. The official definition of controversy is a dispute, especially a public one, between sides holding opposing views. Everyone seems to have a different opinion to some else. Whether it’s which jam to use or if gay partners should be allowed to adopt. The point is as long as your alive you’re constantly going to find people disagreeing with you, although there may just be some that agree with you completely.

Everyone occasionally wants to know what someone else is thinking, it’s human nature to want approval, but luckily some few decide to say Fuck what others think. It must make for a much healthier life not leading your life by having everyone whisper what they think in your ear as what you should live by. Although there is a downside to the Fuck what others think mindset. That some people are just as bigoted and arrogant as anyone possibly could be and sometimes there views get a little too out of hand.

But why am I telling you this? I’m sure you already know after all you have you opinions and a mind of your own. But maybe you’ll be curious enough to see what thoughts and opinions are lurking in my mind….

Till Then…

Yours Truly
- Sarah

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